(I'm the CTO) has published a list of the top word pairs found in global laws. The Excel file can be downloaded here.

I've looked through the top 500 words and taken note below of some of the more interesting word pairs.

#7: "social security" is a top word pair globally and a top word pair for most countries. With an ageing world and low interest rates, I expect this word to rise in frequency.

#12/#13: "member state"/"member states" is a phrase used by the EU and in international treaties.

#18: "russian federation" is a popular word pair in the EU & Turkey (and of course, Russia).

#32: "motor vehicle" is a topic of interest everywhere and a defining feature of the 20th century.

#34: "higher education" is of just slightly less interest than cars & trucks (see above). #101 is "school district" (presumably referring to primary education).

#43: "real estate" is a major feature of legal systems worldwide.

#45: "coast guard" is of interest to only a few countries compared to real estate - only coastal countries have this as a popular word pair.

#46: "public health" is a major legislative word pair in almost every country. #49 is "health service", #54 is "national health" and #60 is "health insurance".

#55: "critical habitat" is a word pair that only occurs frequently in United States laws, primarily at the federal level. #82 is the more general "environmental protection" but it occurs in far more countries' laws.

#62: "vocational training" occurs frequently in EU country and Chinese/Vietnamese laws.

#76: "civil aviation" is a common word pair for most countries' laws.

#82: "small business" surprises me as a top word pair. There are more than 200,000 occurrences of this word pair in global laws (within the database).

#87: "collective agreement" reflects the importance of unions in global laws.

#95: "personal data" occurs frequently in the laws of the EU countries. These laws are about privacy and protection of personal information.