I've been a lawyer for eight years. Before that, I held many jobs, including website developer. This work has taught me a few things about how to connect with clients and grow a business. Today I'm launching a standalone website to share what I've learned in the form of concise 7-10 minute sessions as part of an audio guide on growing your law practice.

UPDATE: This is now free - I've posted all of the audio in a new blog post: https://www.cameronhuff.com/blog/grow-your-law-practice-audio-guide/.

There's around 100 minutes of content in the paid version but I've made a few of the modules available for free. I hope you enjoy them.

A screenshot of the page is below.

I've also written a few blog posts over the years that contain tips for working better with law clients, including one last month titled "How To Choose Clients In The Cryptocurrency Field: 14 Tips". Some of these tips come from my discussions with people just starting out in law who have asked me how they can get a better foothold in the industry. Law students and articling students probably have the most to benefit, but the LawGrow audio guide is probably best someone in their first few years of practice. It could also be helpful for lawyers who have relied on a firm for a lot of their inbounds and is now making the jump to practising on their own.