It's worth learning some basic scripting if you're a lazy person.

For making new blog posts I created a Bash script that looks like this:

echo "Title\nslug-goes-here\nMonth Xth, 2013\nContent" >> /Users/addy/Sites/Projects/

You can download the script (and the one that publishes the blog using rsync) here:

I then created a .app out of the script and made an alias in the _source folder (contains the raw blog posts). Now I just double-click to make a new post, edit the file and then double-click my other alias to publish the blog.

To avoid having to type in my password each time for Rsync I set up SSH keys (extremely easy instructions for DreamHost).

If you don't find writing code and scripts fun you may want to use Wordpress instead. It has 100x more functionality and is much easier to use!